Terms and Conditions

We adhere to a standard of ethics based on our commitment to trustworthy, honest, and transparent editorial content. What you read or see on JenniferJolly.com is our editorial opinion based on our journalistic experience and expertise. We are in full compliance with the Federal Trade Commission’s policies for the media, bloggers, endorsements, and testimonials.

Articles that are denoted “sponsored by” an advertiser cover topics that serve the goals of the advertiser, *but are not dictated, reviewed, or edited* by said advertiser. The editorial content therein is developed independently and does not contain opinion or marketing content from the advertiser.


All reviews are strictly editorially driven and are generated without payment or incentive by manufacturers, advertisers, or other external parties. We do not keep review units beyond the duration of the review and either send the unit back to the manufacturer or give it away to readers on the site.

Review Terms:

• Sending a product for review by Jennifer Jolly, or other editors, reporters, or writers of Tech’s Appeal does not guarantee coverage.
• Reviewers follow all FCC blogger guidelines
• All coverage is editorial in nature
• If you want an item returned, you must send a SASE/packing slip.
• Due to high volume of review requests, please allow for 90-day review/return time.
• If you do not request an item returned, it will be used in a giveaway promotion on Tech’s Appeal or donated to charity.

If you have any questions, feel free to reach out to us anytime.